Andrew Jensen - Professional Santa
Street-corner Santas are not much of a thing since much of the business trade moved from downtown to the malls and shopping centers. Back when downtown was the big thing, the most authentic and longest-serving Santa was Andrew Jensen.
I have told you of the first Santa to come to Sioux Falls before, though I have not told you much about him. Read on to discover more!
Andrew Jensen was Sioux Falls’ first Santa Claus. Jensen was billed as the first real live Santa Claus to visit Sioux Falls when he arrived via the old Dakota Central railroad in 1915. He estimated that 4,000 people were crowded into and around the railroad station to greet him and get a glimpse of a man they’d only heard of and seen in print. He’d come to check up on the children of Sioux Falls and to meet with the local head of the Salvation Army, Captain J. George Barry.
Unfortunately, at the time, they underestimated the potential turnout and were not equipped to greet the youngsters properly.
Jensen served with the Salvation Army for 12 years before retiring and continuing this work with the Volunteers of America. Most often he could be seen on the corner of 10th and Phillips, in front of Newberry’s or Kresge’s department stores.
After Jensen broke through in Sioux Falls as a live Santa, many more followed. Every department store worth its salt would employ a Santa during the holiday season to bring joy to the children and their parents’ money to the registers. Sharp children would visit multiple stores and make note of the difference between the Santas. The one consistent look was from the Santa on 10th & Phillips. It was apparent that not only was his beard real, but his padding looked more natural as well.
Unfortunately, at the time, they underestimated the potential turnout and were not equipped to greet the youngsters properly.
Jensen served with the Salvation Army for 12 years before retiring and continuing this work with the Volunteers of America. Most often he could be seen on the corner of 10th and Phillips, in front of Newberry’s or Kresge’s department stores.
After Jensen broke through in Sioux Falls as a live Santa, many more followed. Every department store worth its salt would employ a Santa during the holiday season to bring joy to the children and their parents’ money to the registers. Sharp children would visit multiple stores and make note of the difference between the Santas. The one consistent look was from the Santa on 10th & Phillips. It was apparent that not only was his beard real, but his padding looked more natural as well.

In the years leading up to World War II, there were mile-long parades to welcome Santa to the city. Santa would bring his little log cabin all the way from the north pole so that he could spend some time with each child who cared to visit him. The characters from Snow White and the Seven Dwarves would be there, as well as the Three Little Pigs, Wynkin, Blynken, and Nod, and other personalities from fairy tales. These parades brought thousands of area residents downtown and launched the holiday season with panache.

Pvt. Don DiMarcantonio, of Long Island, NY and Pvt. Mike Leon Holbert, Atlanta, GA, plead their cases with Santa. Both were stationed at the Airbase north of town in the winter of 1942.
Once the war had begun, belts were tightened and parades were cancelled. Requests from employment offices for Santas fell from 11 or more to zero. The materials used to make the tin soldiers and mechanical metal toys that had been very popular before the war were needed for the war effort. Factories that once made these toys were forced to produce machines, weapons, and other items needed to support our troops overseas. The kiddies would have to make do with wooden toys.
Andrew Jensen remained at 10th and Phillips, shaking the hands of any children who were brave enough to look Santa in the face. Those children who did clean their rooms and eat their vegetables could hold their heads up high and politely ask Santa for their heart’s desire. He would answer with “Santa Claus will be sure to remember”, and never promised more than could be delivered.
Andrew Jensen remained at 10th and Phillips, shaking the hands of any children who were brave enough to look Santa in the face. Those children who did clean their rooms and eat their vegetables could hold their heads up high and politely ask Santa for their heart’s desire. He would answer with “Santa Claus will be sure to remember”, and never promised more than could be delivered.
In 1949, Jensen retired. The winters were cold, and with each passing year, it became more difficult to stand on that corner ringing his bell. He’d been the most consistent Sioux Falls Santa, filling the roll for 34 years, and was the only Santa during the war years — a fixture of many a downtown holiday season. His rosy cheeks and booming voice brought joy to many a downtown shopper. Before Jensen died in 1956, he lamented that he wouldn’t get to be Santa Claus any more. He brought such joy to many children, but perhaps not as much as they brought him.
Copyright Greetings From Sioux Falls.